So I almost failed the NST today. If I had they would have sent me for a Bio-Physical Profile, which is an ultrasound that looks for specific things like a certain amount of arm/leg movements and practice breathing and checking blood flow from the placenta to the baby. Luckily I ended up passing though. I did however measure really small today, 34 weeks instead of 38. I'm pretty sure this little guy is going to be smaller then Aydia was. He might be long but I don't think he's going to be big. Honestly with that information, plus the slower baby, I'm kind of surprised they didn't send me in for a BPP to check amniotic fluid levels. But an OB signed off on it since Stephanie had to go deliver a baby and wasn't able to check things off at the end of the appointment so I'll trust that they know what they are doing there. Kind of makes me nervous though. Tonight however he's back to his normal active self, so maybe it's just that he's saving up his energy for our birthing time.
Still gearing up for a May 27th birth date with my HypnoBirthing CD but I'm allowing my mind to be open to dates before that. Like starting tomorrow we're supposed to get Thunderstorms coming through sporadically until Sunday morning. Maybe one will be severe enough and change the Barometric pressure enough to send me into labor? I'm open to that.
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