Well I'm just coming back from my 32 week appointment. This one was with a different midwife than I normally see...I like my regular one better. My midwife was on call for the hospital today since she's the newest member of the team and gets stuck with the New Years Eve shift! This midwife was nice, and very gentle, but just not as personable. It's interesting to see too that when this midwife measured me she said I was measuring 32 weeks exactly, where the other midwife almost always has me 2 weeks ahead when she does measurements. Interesting...we'll see at 34 weeks when I go back to my regular midwife where I'm at.
Baby is good, heart rate at 136 and accelerated nicely when she moves...which she was doing a lot. I mentioned that baby gets the hiccups at least 1 to 3 times a day and she said that was good, means she'll be a good nurser! Hopefully! I have another ultrasound for next week, I still have to call and make that appointment. Cervix still long and closed but starting to soften, which is good at this point!
In other news, first, go to http://www.expectnet.com/ and play our baby game! The game name is babygirlking.
Also, I'm registered for doula classes! I'm super excited and I'll be taking the doula workshop January 29th and 30th. I'm hoping to be certified by late May, early June at the latest. This will allow me to stay at home but also bring in an income! Best of both worlds.
Tonight my cousin Sarah (who is pregnant with twin boys) and her two kids are coming to spend the evening (her hubby has to work :-( ) and tomorrow we're heading up to my parents for the annual New Years Day party. They are also combing that with my first baby shower...we'll see how that goes. I know invites for the shower part didn't get out until middle of last week so I'm afraid a lot of people that would have made an effort to come to the shower that don't normally come to the New Years Day celebration won't be able to make it. I'll update on how that goes either Thursday night or Friday! And Saturday my parents are coming to help paint the nursery! It's an exciting and busy week!
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and Happy New Years!!!!
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