Saturday, February 28, 2009

Just some pictures!






Announcing Aydia Rae King!

Aydia Rae is here! Born 1 hour and 24 minutes after her due date!

I first started feeling contractions around 9:00pm; they immediately started coming about 3 minutes apart! We got to the hospital at 11pm, I was only 2cm but since the contractions were so close they kept me. At 1am they checked me again because I was saying I couldn't do it, the contractions were right on top of each other and I was feeling pressure. I was already complete! They asked if I wanted to move the waterbirth room at that point but honestly I was feeling so much pressure that I couldn't do it. Plus it would have taken 15 minutes to fill it up. Good thing I decided no because Aydia arrived at 1:24am weighing 8lbs 9 oz and 20 inches long! I had minor tears and just had a few stitches.

We're very much in love with her even though she has a colossal set of lungs already!!! I will get pictures up later once we have the cord for the camera. The cell phone just doesn't do this beautiful little girl justice!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Almost 40 weeks; 2 more days till the due date!

Wow, am I suddenly ever ready to be done! Yesterday was the first day where I didn't feel like I was in love with being pregnant. Up until then I've really enjoyed every day of this pregnancy (with the exception of the morning sickness) and have been blessed. Yesterday all day I had some pretty awful back pain and in the evening it decided to move into my upper thighs. Sitting on the exercise ball helped some but not a lot. I went to bed fairly early (9:30) and woke up at 12:30. My hips were killing me! I got out of bed at 1:00 and used the exercise ball for a good 1/2 hour to try to stretch out those muscles, went back to go. Tossed and turned until 3:30 when I ended up taking a really long bath until 4:30. That helped a bit but I still didn't sleep from the pain in my hips, which sometimes decided to radiate into my thighs and back. Finally at about 6:00 when Brandon left for work I fell back asleep, only to wake again at 9:30 to get ready for my 40 week midwife appointment.

The appointment went well. Baby's heart rate is in the 130s still, like normal. She's still at -1 for station and I'm still 75% effaced. I dilated just a bit more, but not a lot. Stephanie (midwife) said that I'm almost at 2cm but not quite. She did say my cervix feels softer so that's a good sign too. She also mentioned that she doesn't expect me to make my next appointment but that she has been surprised before. Baby has to drop some more which will make me dilate and efface more and hopefully bring on some productive contractions. She did another sweep of my membranes as well so hopefully that will help do something. Since the appointment I've feel a little more pressure in my hips and my back has decided it wants to ache again so I'm taking that as good signs...even though it's uncomfortable!

And a shout out for my Mom who had today guessed as the birth day...she sent me an email this morning that really made me chuckle; let's hope it's right!

Subject: today's the day!!

"Shana's horoscope:
You are able to mobilize your energy and accomplish a lion's share of work. Understand what you have to offer and what you are capable of. PUSH COMES TO SHOVE!!
Tonight: Hang out.

Brandon's horoscope:
You are all smiles. It might be amazing to see how you could transform a situation through your attitude and reframing the problem. Open doors and greet options.
Tonight: All smiles.

Horoscopes are always right!!"

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

39 weeks and some progress!

Well things are starting to happen! Not a lot of change in how dilated I am. I went from 1cm funneled to a finger tip to a full 1cm all the way through now. Last week I was 30% effaced and now I'm at 75% so that's exciting! And the baby dropped a bit more! She is now at a -1 for station so almost fully engaged!

Because I was a full 1 cm my midwife was also able to get in to sweep my membranes. Not exactly a comfortable procedure, but I didn't find it as bad as I've heard. Basically what this means is that she is able to get a finger through and run it between the baby's bag of water (and her head since she's almost fully engaged) and my cervix, kind of like breaking a seal. It can do nothing, or it can help me dilate/efface more and encourage her to drop or it could even trigger labor in the next 24-48 hours. We're of course hoping for that last option to happen!

If you're confused on the terms here is some help:

Station: How far the baby is "down" in the pelvis, measured by the relationship of the fetal head to the ischial spines (sit bones). Measured in negative and positive numbers. -3 is a floating baby, 0 station is said to be engaged in the pelvis, and +3 is crowning.

Effacement: This is how thin your cervix is. If you think of your cervix as funnel-like, and measuring about 2 inches, you will see that 50% effaced means that your cervix is now about 1 inch in length. As the cervix softens and dilates the length decreases as well.

Dilation: How far your cervix has opened. It starts at 0 through the pregnancy and toward the end starts to open. 10 centimeters being the widest.

Other comments: I gave my midwife a copy of our birth preferences (some call it a birth plan) this week. She commented that it was very well put together and that it was a great plan. She also said that with our preferences we are going to have a beautiful birth! That's what we're hoping for! I also called our doula right after the appointment to give her the updates and she said to walk walk walk tonight and try to get a good romantic evening in with Brandon (wink wink). Both can help bring on labor, so who am I to argue! She mentioned that her water broke the morning after her membranes were swept, so hopefully we end up with a similar experience!

My midwife is on call Thursday through Friday morning and again on Tuesday during the day this again, we're hoping that if labor happens that she comes during those times! Of course we'll take her at any point though.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

38 weeks

Not a lot of change going on. I had my appointment today and now I'm JUST over a cm dilated and then funneled to a finger tip still. A little more effaced but the baby still has room to drop down still. So I'm supposed to keep up the walking (been doing that a lot lately!) and hopefully she'll be making her entrance sooner rather than later. Her heart rate was in the 140s and she's still in the right position. Measuring on track as well. Next week if I'm a bit more dilated she said she'll sweep my membranes if I want! That could possibly jump start labor for us.

I just have to take a minute to say how much I absolutely LOVE my midwife as well. I really really really am hoping that when we go into labor she'll be the midwife on call. There isn't a big chance of that happening but she's WONDERFUL and really knows me as a patient! She's on call tomorrow 6am-6pm, Sat 6pm-Sun 6am, and again next Tuesday 6am-6pm. So if you're sending labor vibes my way send them for those specific times!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

37 Week Midwife appointment

I just got back from my 37 week appointment (I'll be 37 weeks on Friday) and things are looking great! I have to be 37 weeks to have a water birth, so we'll be making that for sure. I'm 1 cm dilated at the opening of my cervix and just about a fingertip near the top and she's dropping but not yet fully engaged. She didn't mention how effaced I was today but did say I was pretty soft so I know that's a good sign too! Her heart rate was in the 150s today since she was moving around when the midwife was using the doppler and I had the fun GBS test done today as well. I'll get the results of that back next week, if I am group B positive that means I have to have an antibiotic via IV every 4 hours once I'm in active labor.

I'm measuring right on track now instead of ahead, 36.5 weeks but I still look small! I've had a lot of women ask me how far along I am and when I tell them they don't believe me! lol, even my midwife said today, "wow, your baby is all stretched out in there, she's not squished at all since you have such a long torso." I am getting tired though, hips are aching a bit more and I can't seem to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time! We have our newborn class on Monday and then she's MORE than welcome to come out! We have everything ready and bought now and my bag is packed. I'm going to make cookies and freeze them to bring them to the nurses and other than that I've got nothing else to do to really prepare for her! I'm super excited and anxious yet nervous at the same time.