Wow, am I suddenly ever ready to be done! Yesterday was the first day where I didn't feel like I was in love with being pregnant. Up until then I've really enjoyed every day of this pregnancy (with the exception of the morning sickness) and have been blessed. Yesterday all day I had some pretty awful back pain and in the evening it decided to move into my upper thighs. Sitting on the exercise ball helped some but not a lot. I went to bed fairly early (9:30) and woke up at 12:30. My hips were killing me! I got out of bed at 1:00 and used the exercise ball for a good 1/2 hour to try to stretch out those muscles, went back to go. Tossed and turned until 3:30 when I ended up taking a really long bath until 4:30. That helped a bit but I still didn't sleep from the pain in my hips, which sometimes decided to radiate into my thighs and back. Finally at about 6:00 when Brandon left for work I fell back asleep, only to wake again at 9:30 to get ready for my 40 week midwife appointment.
The appointment went well. Baby's heart rate is in the 130s still, like normal. She's still at -1 for station and I'm still 75% effaced. I dilated just a bit more, but not a lot. Stephanie (midwife) said that I'm almost at 2cm but not quite. She did say my cervix feels softer so that's a good sign too. She also mentioned that she doesn't expect me to make my next appointment but that she has been surprised before. Baby has to drop some more which will make me dilate and efface more and hopefully bring on some productive contractions. She did another sweep of my membranes as well so hopefully that will help do something. Since the appointment I've feel a little more pressure in my hips and my back has decided it wants to ache again so I'm taking that as good signs...even though it's uncomfortable!
And a shout out for my Mom who had today guessed as the birth day...she sent me an email this morning that really made me chuckle; let's hope it's right!
Subject: today's the day!!
"Shana's horoscope:
You are able to mobilize your energy and accomplish a lion's share of work. Understand what you have to offer and what you are capable of. PUSH COMES TO SHOVE!!
Tonight: Hang out.
Brandon's horoscope:
You are all smiles. It might be amazing to see how you could transform a situation through your attitude and reframing the problem. Open doors and greet options.
Tonight: All smiles.
Horoscopes are always right!!"
OOOHhhhhh, my camera's itching to be working!