I just got back from my 37 week appointment (I'll be 37 weeks on Friday) and things are looking great! I have to be 37 weeks to have a water birth, so we'll be making that for sure. I'm 1 cm dilated at the opening of my cervix and just about a fingertip near the top and she's dropping but not yet fully engaged. She didn't mention how effaced I was today but did say I was pretty soft so I know that's a good sign too! Her heart rate was in the 150s today since she was moving around when the midwife was using the doppler and I had the fun GBS test done today as well. I'll get the results of that back next week, if I am group B positive that means I have to have an antibiotic via IV every 4 hours once I'm in active labor.
I'm measuring right on track now instead of ahead, 36.5 weeks but I still look small! I've had a lot of women ask me how far along I am and when I tell them they don't believe me! lol, even my midwife said today, "wow, your baby is all stretched out in there, she's not squished at all since you have such a long torso." I am getting tired though, hips are aching a bit more and I can't seem to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time! We have our newborn class on Monday and then she's MORE than welcome to come out! We have everything ready and bought now and my bag is packed. I'm going to make cookies and freeze them to bring them to the nurses and other than that I've got nothing else to do to really prepare for her! I'm super excited and anxious yet nervous at the same time.
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